giovedì 11 gennaio 2024

ODI 12c - Shell Unix for Test if Agent ODI is Up o Down

 Di seguito una semplice shell per verificare se un agent ODI sia o meno attivo.


# Set the Oracle ODI Agent URL


# Check the status of the ODI Agent

#echo "curl -so /dev/null -w "%{http_code}" $AGENT_URL"

STATUS_CODE=$(wget --server-response $AGENT_URL  2>&1 | awk '/^  HTTP/{print $2}' | grep 200 | awk '{print NR}')


# Check the HTTP status code of the ODI Agent

#if [ $STATUS_CODE == "200" ]; then

if [ $STATUS_CODE == "1" ]; then

    echo "Oracle ODI Agent is running."

     exit 0  # Exit with success status


    echo "Oracle ODI Agent is not running."

     exit 1  # Exit with failure status


To use this script, follow these steps:

1. Open a text editor and paste the script.

2. Save the file with a `.sh` extension, for example ``.

3. Open a terminal and navigate to the directory where you saved the script.

4. Make the script executable with the command `chmod +x`.

5. Run the script with the command `./`.

6. The script will display whether the Oracle ODI Agent is running or not.